Tuesday 29 September 2009

UC's diary-Extract 1

Found UC's diary the other day, and decided to translate a bit of it.

September 29th, weather good.

I had great day. Some people complained to master that when they punch me in the face, I didn't react and they lost stamina. Then master says 'lololol you suck learn to play noob'. Then more people complained and master gave in and added a new block animations.

This is fantastic. Now whenever my guard is up and people try to punch me, then will know not to do that and will start hitting me at the proper time.

Now I must reapply duct tape. I asked master for proper bandages, but he just laugh and punch me. He only does it cause he loves me.


Sunday 27 September 2009


Hi guys, UnrealCanine here, to tell you about upcoming projects, new features, behind the scenes blah blah. The project in works now is UC's Punch Out, a flash adaption of the classic nintendo game. An update for the demo was released that added a new feature. You can play it here.
